Borm CDJM, Krismer F, Wenning GK, Seppi K, Poewe W, Pellecchia MT, Barone P, Johnsen EL, Østergaard K, Gurevich T, Djaldetti R, Sambati L, Cortelli P, Petrović I, Kostić VS, Brožová H, Růžička E, Marti MJ, Tolosa E, Canesi M, Post B, Nonnekes J, Bloem BR; European MSA Study Group (EMSA-SG). Axial motor clues to identify atypical parkinsonism: A multicentre European cohort study. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018 Jun 8.
Sailer A, Scholz SW, Nalls MA, Schulte C, Federoff M, Price TR, Lees A, Ross OA, Dickson DW, Mok K, Mencacci NE, Schottlaender L, Chelban V, Ling H, O'Sullivan SS, Wood NW, Traynor BJ, Ferrucci L, Federoff HJ, Mhyre TR, Morris HR, Deuschl G, Quinn N, Widner H, Albanese A, Infante J, Bhatia KP, Poewe W, Oertel W, Höglinger GU, Wüllner U, Goldwurm S, Pellecchia MT, Ferreira J, Tolosa E, Bloem BR, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Hardy JA, Revesz T, Holton JL, Gasser T, Wenning GK, Singleton AB, Houlden H; European Multiple System Atrophy Study Group and the UK Multiple System Atrophy Study Group. A genome-wide association study in multiple system atrophy. Neurology. 2016 Sep 14.
Pavy-Le Traon A, Piedvache A, Perez-Lloret S, Calandra-Buonaura G, Cochen-De Cock V, Colosimo C, Cortelli P, Debs R, Duerr S, Fanciulli A, Foubert-Samier A, Gerdelat A, Gurevich T, Krismer F, Poewe W, Tison F, Tranchant C, Wenning G, Rascol O, Meissner WG; European MSA Study Group. New insights into orthostatic hypotension in multiple system atrophy: a European multicentre cohort study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016 May;87(5):554-61.
Wenning GK, Geser F, Krismer F, Seppi K, Duerr S, Boesch S, Köllensperger M, Goebel G, Pfeiffer KP, Barone P, Pellecchia MT, Quinn NP, Koukouni V, Fowler CJ, Schrag A, Mathias CJ, Giladi N, Gurevich T, Dupont E, Ostergaard K, Nilsson CF, Widner H, Oertel W, Eggert KM, Albanese A, del Sorbo F, Tolosa E, Cardozo A, Deuschl G, Hellriegel H, Klockgether T, Dodel R, Sampaio C, Coelho M, Djaldetti R, Melamed E, Gasser T, Kamm C, Meco G, Colosimo C, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Tison F, Poewe W; European Multiple System Atrophy Study Group. The natural history of multiple system atrophy: a prospective European cohort study. Lancet Neurol. 2013 Mar;12(3):264-74.
Krismer F, Seppi K, Tison F, Sampaio C, Diem-Zangerl A, Peralta C, Yekhlef F, Ghorayeb I, Ory-Magne F, Galitzky M, Bozi M, Scaravilli T, Colosimo C, Geser F, Rascol O, Poewe W, Quinn N, Wenning GK. The unified Multiple System Atrophy rating scale: Intrarater reliability. Movement Disorders 2012;27(13):1683-5.
Srulijes K, Hauser AK, Guella I, Asselta R, Brockmann K, Schulte C, Soldà G, Cilia R, Maetzler W, Schols L, Wenning GK, Poewe W, Barone P, Wüllner U, Oertel W, Berg D, Goldwurm S, Gasser T. No association of GBA mutations and Multiple System Atrophy Neurology. Eur J Neurol. 2013 Apr;20(4)
Köllensperger M, Geser F, Ndayisaba JP, Boesch S, Seppi K, Ostergaard K, Dupont E, Cardozo A, Tolosa E, Abele M, Klockgether T, Yekhlef F, Tison F, Daniels C, Deuschl G, Coelho M, Sampaio C, Bozi M, Quinn N, Schrag A, Mathias CJ, Fowler C, Nilsson CF, Widner H, Schimke N, Oertel W, Del Sorbo F, Albanese A, Pellecchia MT, Barone P, Djaldetti R, Colosimo C, Meco G, Gonzalez-Mandly A, Berciano J, Gurevich T, Giladi N, Galitzky M, Rascol O, Kamm C, Gasser T, Siebert U, Poewe W, Wenning GK; EMSA-SG.
Presentation, diagnosis, and management of multiple system atrophy in Europe: final analysis of the European multiple system atrophy registry. Mov Disord. 2010 Nov 15;25(15):2604-12.
Dodel R, Spottke A, Gerhard A, Reuss A, Reinecker S, Schimke N, Trenkwalder C, Sixel-Döring F, Herting B, Kamm C, Gasser T, Sawires M, Geser F, Köllensperger M, Seppi K, Kloss M, Krause M, Daniels C, Deuschl G, Böttger S, Naumann M, Lipp A, Gruber D, Kupsch A, Du Y, Turkheimer F, Brooks DJ, Klockgether T, Poewe W, Wenning G, Schade-Brittinger C, Oertel WH, Eggert K.
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